Monday, March 23, 2009

The Humanists & the Godless

humanist symposium logo The Humanist Symposium is up at the Atheist Revolution. vjack's put together a good selection. As he says,
This is why I am finding my excitement for The Humanist Symposium renewed. This blog carnival is not about critiquing religion or mocking the superstitious, although my regular readers will know that I occasionally indulge in both. No, this carnival is about promoting humanism. With humanism, we have something that can be celebrated and promoted. Think of it as the yin to atheism's yang. We need both.
Head over and celebrate.

And the Carnival of the Godless is up at Daylight Atheism, where Ebon says
I last hosted this gathering of the godless all the way back in July 2006, for its 44th edition, and nearly three years later, we're still going strong. In fact, the carnival has grown considerably - so much so that I decided to feature only one submission from each entrant, for the sake of brevity - but even so, the sheer scope of this post is a welcome testament to the growing outspokenness and influence of atheism in the First World.
Definitely worth your time.

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