Friday, March 20, 2009

I used to think he was always right

Alex just pronounced Caiaphas with two syllables - kaɪ'-fəs (KYE-fas).

It's k'ə-fəs, or kaɪ'ə-fəs (KAY-uh-fas or KYE-uh-fas). Three syllables either way.

I have to doubt every pronunciation he uses - of a word or in a language I don't know- now.

Ahhh, it's kind of melancholy when the clay feet start showing.

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At 9:08 PM, March 20, 2009 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

It TOTALLY throws off the music in Jesus Christ Superstar to pronounce it KYE-fas! :)

At 10:11 AM, March 21, 2009 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

Maybe he's just a DOO-a-fuss after all.


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