Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Indeed amazing

treeFrom David Morgan-Mar's Irregular Webcomic!:

Trees are indeed amazing.

Next time you're standing next to a large tree, think about the fact that the brown wrinkly cylinder next to you is pumping vast amounts of water from the ground, up to the tips of every single branch and twig and leaf, right to the very top of its height. And is doing so in utter silence, with no moving parts, non-stop, every day of the year, for what might be several hundred years, while standing exposed to everything the elements can throw at it, without breaking down or requiring maintenance of any sort.

Things we take for granted because they are so common can be amazing when you stop to think about them.

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At 7:49 PM, March 24, 2009 Blogger Unknown had this to say...

It is amazing.

At 9:47 AM, March 25, 2009 Blogger tina FCD had this to say...

Never thought of it that way. :)


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