Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh my

Stanford just blew out Iowa State - Jayne Appel got 46 points. 16 rebounds, too. Woof. I sure hope she plays like that against UConn (though really I hope UConn loses tomorrow against Arizona State). That was a clinic, ladies and gentlemen, that was a show.

So, two are in: Stanford and Louisville (hmmm Cardinal and Cardinals...). Tomorrow we fill it out. My hope? Purdue and Arizona State. My prediction? Purdue and UConn.



At 1:44 PM, March 31, 2009 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

Well, I've got to go for the Big Ten team.

At 2:27 PM, March 31, 2009 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Like I said, I could live with Purdue. ABC, baby, ABC.


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