Saturday, March 14, 2009

om nom nom

The redbuds are out, and so are the squirrels. After the snow last week, I guess anything looks good. Besides, these haven't been buried in the ground for months!

squirrel eating redbud buds



At 4:37 PM, March 14, 2009 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

That is so cute!!! :)

At 12:59 PM, March 15, 2009 Blogger John McKay had this to say...

We have a hangy thing in the garden that we laughingly call a bird feeder. The birds get maybe twenty percent of the seeds out of it and the squirrels ransack the rest. They take the sunflower seeds and throw the rest on the ground where the birds get another shot at it. Most of the seeds compost but some of it germinates. For the last two summers we've had a nice crop of millet in that corner of the yard. It's much prettier than crabgrass that dominates the rest of the yard.


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