Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sky Watch: Curves

A waning spring crescent moon poised in branches just beginning to bud.

waninc grescent moon in tree branches

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At 12:15 AM, March 27, 2009 Blogger nature ramblings had this to say...

Very creative shot. You have a good eye for detail. Thanks for sharing your creativeness.

At 1:06 AM, March 27, 2009 Blogger Sylvia K had this to say...

That could be a painting! Exquisite shot and very creative indeed! Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!

At 1:09 AM, March 27, 2009 Blogger Bryan had this to say...

The moon looks to be growing from the branch too. Well, I guess it's waning, so technically ungrowing, but yeah. Nice shot.

At 9:06 AM, March 28, 2009 Blogger Arija had this to say...

The moon is like a feather caught in the tree. Great.


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