Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Week in Entertainment

DVD: Quark. I don't remember where I was that someone was wondering why this wasn't on dvd yet, but I thought 'yes, why not?' and checked, and there it was, and not too expensive either - of course it's a very bare-bones dvd, not even subtitles - so I got it. Too often things I remember as hilarious turn out not to be, but Quark is still quite amusing. (Funny how your mind works, though; I was quite surprised at how few episodes there were - only eight. I'd thought it was on longer than that.)

TV: Ashes to Ashes - okay, Drake knows she's in a coma, but I hope she stops treating it like her personal fantasy in the next ep or so. Still, Philip Glenister burns up the screen, and it's nice to see Chris has found his feet. The Gathering, which underwhelmed a pretty nifty idea. Extreme Measures, which did far, far better with an much more predictable one.

Read: Halfway through The Crack in the Edge of the World, about the San Francisco earthquake and all the geology underlying it. It's terrific.



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