Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Week in Entertainment

Film: The Great Buck Howard - I saw some lukewarm reviews, but I'm recommending it. Malkovich is weird (what's new?), Colin Hanks is low-key (ditto), and the story is both predictable (mostly) and sweet. But it made me smile - a lot. I like it.

DVD: Wallander - a BBC series (three shows) with Kenneth Branagh as Henning Mankell's Swedish detective. So very good.

TV: House - a good episode, though that man's wife was really dumb. Ashes to Ashes - a very good episode. The Mentalist - still fun. I do love this show. And Jane talking about how his other senses were "enhanced" and then walking into something - it's just plain fun without being goofy.

Read: Finished Crack in the Edge of the World. Excellent. Began Old Man's War by John Scalzi.



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