Friday, April 03, 2009

Michelle Obama in Russian: to decline or not?

Michelle Berdy is an ex-pat Moscow-based translator and interpreter who has a weekly column on translating Russian in the Moscow Times. In today's column, she talks about declining foreign women's surnames (last week she did men's):
"Finally a question I can answer, since Michelle Obama is my тёзка (someone with the same first name) and I have a non-Russian last name. Most foreign women's surnames and first names don't get declined. I am Мишель Берди, and the U.S. president's wife is Мишель Обама, regardless of whether we are being seen, given something, accompanied, written about or possess something. So the proper response is: Я видела Мишель Обама (I saw Michelle Obama)."
I question this.

I've seen her surname declined in Russian press a lot - such as this from Rossijskaya Gazeta:
"Во время беседы обе женщины приблизились друг к другу, и королева Елизавета слегка приобняла Мишель Обаму, показывая ей свою симпатию."
or from
"Бицепсы Мишель Обамы стали фетишем"
or NTV "Мишель Обаму признали «иконой стиля» на самом высоком модном уровне." or Izvestia
"Вызывающую всеобщее восхищение Мишель Обаму в первый раз раскритиковали."
"5 фактов о Мишель Обаме"
Or this from Novosti
"Лора Буш поделилась с Мишель Обамой советами по выживанию в Белом доме."
Just Google "Мишель Обама" and you'll get hundreds of hits in all declensions. (Google's nice about ignoring declensions, allowing to get all the contexts where a word shows up in Russian.) Berdy's right about her own name, of course, but she says "Women's Polish or Czech surnames ending in -а" get declined and only those. In my experience, any woman's name ending in -A gets declined.

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At 11:30 PM, April 06, 2009 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

&laqo; Лора Буш поделилась с Мишель Обамой советами по выживанию в Белом доме. »

So, if Laura Bush and Michelle Obama were switched, they would not have tried to decline Ms Bush's name... right? Assuming that's right, is it just because "Буш" doesn't have a suitable ending to start with?

At 5:28 AM, April 07, 2009 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

They'd have declined Laura, but not Bush - Мишель Обама поделилась с Лорой Буш. And yes, it's because the surname hasn't got the right ending; basically the rule is, only if the name ends in A (or the letter Ya, which is just an orthographic convention for either J or palatized consonant + A) is it declined. With someone Hillary Clinton, or Margaret Thatcher in her day, they don't decline either part.

But it holds true for Russian women as well: if they have some ethnic surname (including Ukrainian) that doesn't end in -A, it doesn't get declined.

At 4:54 PM, April 13, 2009 Blogger mab had this to say...

Thanks for reading my column. Unfortunately, that week a stand-in editor deleted a crucial paragraph: "If this isn’t enough of a declension headache, consider this: some Russian stylebooks recommend tossing all of the above on the trash heap of style history and declining women’s surnames ending in unaccented –а like Russian surnames."

So some people decline and others don't. In my 30+ years in Russia, no one has ever declined either of my names.


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