Monday, April 13, 2009

Mrs Anderson, Mrs Cleaver, Uncle Charlie...

I wish people in retail and service would adjust to the fact that the Fifties were a half century ago. Many households no longer have someone in them who doesn't work and who is free to either sit around half the day waiting on a serviceman, or run over to the post office before it closes.

My annoyance is compounded by the fact that the carrier didn't even bother to bring the package with him on Saturday. No, he just left me a note saying "Please pick up at post office; too big for box". No kidding, it's an apartment mail box. But I was in fact home on Saturday. I could have gone down and picked up the parcel from him. Instead, I have to beg a ride from a co-worker or else leave work an hour early, since the bus I normally ride home gets me to Laurel at 5:30 - half an hour after the post office closes.

And I do understand about cut-back and saving money. What I don't understand is why the heck they can't open at 11 am? At least a couple of days a week? That way, people who don't live in the town they work in could swing by after work, they way we used to when the post office was open till 7...



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