Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Week in Entertainment

Film: Madagascar Escape 2 Africa: well, it had more plot than the first one, which was basically several vignettes strung together, but they completely ignored the fact that Alex is a carnivore. I mean - hello, no seafood available in ... inland Kenya? Wherever. Plus we have that weird "Lion-King" kind of all-the-prey-rejoice-over-another-lion, which is just deeply weird, even overlooking the size of that pride and the fact that it was run by a male.

DVD: Jurassic Park 3. Because I saw a tiny bit of 2 on the television and remembered how very nearly I never saw 3, 2 was so horrible. But I do like 3 quite a lot.

TV: House. My first reaction: WTF? Seriously? I hate this show. Second: if they were going to kill someone, why someone we (me) will miss? Third: I understand why Kal Penn wanted off the show, it had no room for him, plus, zomg Obama's staff! but I still hate the way they did it. Fourth: If they turn this into the Foreteen show, I'm so over it. The Mentalist - there's a formula here, but it works. And Jane's just so damned engaging. I love this show. Scrubs - you know what's weird? NBC had no problem with the Todd's banana hammocks, but though ABC talks about it, they won't show it. Even in the same scene where Jordan and Eliot flaunt their bikin-clad bodies at Turk, JD, and Cox. How ... unenlightened of them. Better Off Ted - one of the best things about this show is the disconnect between the people doing the job (and loving it) and the job itself. "Do you ever get the feeling the ooplasm is looking up at you, worshipping you like an angry vengeful god?" "No. ... Cytoplasm, sometimes. But ooplasm? No." "Sometimes you're a stranger to me." I accidentally deleted Ashes to Ashes off DVR when trying to delete something else, but fortunately it's On Demand - since they've replaced the encore at 8 with Torchwood (which I hope means new episodes of that soon!!!).

Read: Charles de Lint's new one, The Mystery of Grace, which is, as (almost) always, excellent. Jonathan Lethem's Motherless Brooklyn, which is definitely the best of his I've read, and one of the best books I've read in quite a while.



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