A seething mass of teh kewt!
Unlike ganders, drakes don't hang around and help raise the babies. "Make Way for Ducklings" never has two parents heading and tailing the column. For that matter, it's rarely a column.
This mallard duck has ten ducklings (one is usually off by itself), and they're generally a seething, fluid, mass of cute blotchy downy babies. I see them at dawn, while I'm waiting on the bus... As FDR once remarked, "I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm." Yesterday, one of them found a huge worm and was trying to swallow it. One of his siblings spotted the feast and tried to eat the worm's other end. The duckling with the worm started turning in a circle, moving the worm out of the other's reach. The other one ran along in a bigger circle, grabbing for the worm ... Too cute. Seriously, just too cute.

I love this time time of year. I could watch ducklings and goslings by the hour.
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