Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Ambrose

Ambrose Bierce, born this day in 1842.

He left us

An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge,

The Devil's Dictionary,

an opinionated style manual called Write it Right which is more fun than Strunk's "horrid little book",

several fantastic short stories,

and the abiding legacy of a mysterious disappearance...

(Are you still out there, somewhere, Old Gringo?)

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At 12:19 PM, June 24, 2009 Blogger Jan had this to say...

Yes, "Write It Right" is more fun (though even more teeth-gnashing) than Strunk and White. It's amazing what the usage mavens were obsessing over only a century ago.

And "Write It Right" in fact was published 100 years ago, in October 1909; in its honor, I have an annotated edition coming out from Walker Books, with one of those long, long titles everyone uses nowadays:

"Ambrose Bierce's Write It Right: The Celebrated Cynic's Language Peeves, Deciphered, Appraised, and Annotated for 21st-Century Readers"

Put it on your reading list!

At 2:07 PM, June 24, 2009 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

With a colon, of course!

It will definitely be on my reading list: Jan Freeman and Ambrose Bierce, together at last!


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