Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Looks like a news story" but isn't

And this is why Fox News is a fundamentally dishonest - not just bad-at-it - "news" organization:
Carter to Obama: Remove Hamas From Terror List

Former President Jimmy Carter says he will ask the Obama administration to remove the militant Palestinian group from the U.S.-designated terror list, just as Hamas says it foiled a bomb plot against Carter.
Pretty damning stuff, eh? Except ... as Fred over at Headsup: the blog notes, apparently it's just, well, made up. You can read the whole story and, well, the subject just doesn't come up again. The lede is
Former President Jimmy Carter will urge the Obama administration to remove Hamas from the terrorist list, FOX News has learned.
but buried down at the end is
Yousef responded to the online report telling WND he is not aware Carter will specifically make such a request.

He said, however, Carter communicated to Hamas that "one way or another" the Islamist group must do its best to meet the three conditions previously set out by the U.S. for the opening of dialogue.
(Yeah. That's World News Daily, there, that's Fox's source for a quote. And even they don't say what Fox's hed and lede said. As Fred puts it,
Here you've got yourself an exclusive about Barack Hussein Osama ruining the world again with the aid of the Only Worser President In History, and the only people who try to check it out are the ones who think the missing birth certificate is the story of the century, and they manage to knock a hole in your lede with one phone call.
As he sums it up:
What's genuinely interesting from the editor's perspective, again, is how much the thing looks like a news story -- until you go to the trouble of reading it... Just another reminder that we need to avoid confusing Fox with people who actually want you to learn stuff about the world. You know, people who actually report so you can actually decide.
Head over to Headsup and read his analysis of the whole "story"; you won't regret it.

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