Saturday, June 27, 2009

Msing the Point

Bought tickets online for a movie tonight in my home town. The theater is kind of missing the point of "Ms":

pick: Mr Mrs Ms

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At 12:44 PM, June 27, 2009 Anonymous Deborah Godin had this to say...

They really ought to have all three female abbreviation choices to really be PC about it. And maybe we could interest them in Mrm. for married men - think that'll catch on?

At 2:34 PM, June 27, 2009 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

I detest this sort of thing, because they can't get all the titles one might want to use. And why on Earth could they care, really?

But if they add "Miss", then what about "Dr"? Or maybe you're retired military, so they should add "Adm" and "Sgt", and all the other titles there. And then there's "Reverend" and "Governor" and....

At 3:00 PM, June 27, 2009 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Deb - They should have only Ms and Mr...

At 4:36 PM, June 27, 2009 Blogger fev had this to say...

If you haven't before, check out the titles available at BA's Executive Club:

You can be His Majesty, Her Highness, Wing Commander, The Hon Ms (or Mrs or Miss, Air Vice Marshal, Haji, Contessa -- even His Holiness, though they don't seem to offer a Her Holiness.

(The "preferred language" list is also pretty impressive, tho I have to wonder what you'd get if you chose "American Indian," ahem)

At 9:48 AM, June 28, 2009 Blogger AbbotOfUnreason had this to say...

I hate the whole titling thing. I don't want some ticket agency to know my gender. They know too much about me as it is.

The other thing I really hate is when you buy a ticket and have to pay a per-ticket 'service charge' for buying the ticket even when there is no other method available for you to purchase the ticket. In that case, it should just be the cost of the dang ticket. I know this isn't related to what you were talking about and that it's not my blog, but I had to get it off my chest. Thanks for providing the opportunity to be a curmudgeon in public.


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