Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Okay ... looks like DHS was right

First, in April, Richard Poplawski, a budding white supremacist afraid for his guns, shoots three policemen in Pittsburgh.

Then in May, George Tiller was murdered while attending church services, apparently by a right wing anti-abortion zealot named Scott Roeder.

Then, in June, a white supremacist and Obama-birth-certificate-conspiracy theorist named James W. von Brunn entered the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum with a shotgun and opened fire, killing one guard.

Now 'Minutemen' border patrollers assault a family, apparently in order to "kill the family, steal the money and take the drugs which would then be sold for more money. A fringe benefit, it seems, was that the mass murder could be pointed to as another example of mayhem on the border caused by an influx of illegals."

It's starting to look like that report the DHS put out, warning that right-wing abortion rights supporters, gun nuts, and white supremacists were dangerous, might have been right on the money.

Bet they're wishing they hadn't let themselves be cowed into apologizing for it.

But I doubt those like (of course) Michele Bachman, who did the screaming, are going to admit there might have been some truth to it...



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