Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sky Watch: Fountains Abbey

A hot May afternoon, an achingly blue sky over a ruined abbey, and not a cloud in the sky anywhere... Not the way I picture England, I must say - but I'm glad it's the way England was.

Fountains Abbey

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more Sky Watchers here - and this week's host picture is truly gorgeous

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At 9:27 PM, June 11, 2009 Blogger Sylvia K had this to say...

Truly gorgeous shot! although not the skies I've come to associate with England either! Glad they were for you!

Enjoy the weekend!

At 4:14 AM, June 12, 2009 Anonymous Eric(NL) had this to say...

Nice shot, love the colors!!!

Have a nice Skywatch Friday!!

Greetings from NL

At 4:12 PM, June 12, 2009 Anonymous Deborah Godin had this to say...

I agree, not what I normally have in my mind's eye for England, but this is beautiful, smooth and blue as a bird's egg.


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