Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Weird weather today! The temperature has dropped almost twenty degrees F (10 C) in the last half-hour - from 83 to 65 (28 to 18). A major thunderstorm is passing through. We could see it coming on the way home from work, and as I walked across the quad the wind came up so strong the tree were leaning. Lightning was flashing - no thunder - but within five minutes the sky, which had been very painterly with silver clouds and shafts of sunlight, turned iron gray. Lightning continues, and thunder too. (12,000 already without power; fortunately here only my microwave clock needs resetting...) Rain is sheeting in hard from the northwest...

All in all, a typical summer afternoon in Maryland.

What wasn't typical was this morning. A thunderstorm worse than this one drove through at 6:30 am. AM.

That's just not right.



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