Sunday, June 07, 2009

The Week in Entertainment

Film: Up, which is better than excellent. That silent montage towards the beginning is genuinely touching and filled with more heart than many full-length features, and the characters are all well-developed and good, even the crazy villain. The color palette is wonderful, and the storyline captivating. I will say, based on the audience reactions, it's not for the youngsters - say, 9 or below? - but adults will love it. (Squirrel!)

DVD: Lewis, series 3. Four very well-done episodes. Lovely. Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder. If this is the end, it's a well-made one.

TV: Pushing Daisies!!! Sigh - I know it's just ABC finishing what it had already ordered, but how wonderful to have this show back. And with Richard Benjamin and George Segal guest starring! And Kristin Chenowith singing Lionel Richie! And Emerson and the coroner! (Coroner: "I'll make a mental note on that." Emerson: "Don't be making no mental notes on me." Coroner: "At a crime scene, I'll make notes on whatever I feel needs note-makin'. Mentally.") And another one on Saturday - with Penny finally showing up. I love this show so much... these little extra episodes are so sadly sweet. Primeval - I should have known they'd bring in that cop, but Danny's a poor replacement for Cutter. If it helps Connor to stop being quite so much the comic relief, though, I'm for it.

Read: My Soul to Take by Yrsa Sigurðardóttir. This one was better than the first (Last Rituals). Got through most of Death With Interuptions by José Saramago, but had to buy a replacment today because I left it on the plane. Argh. It's quite fascinating - I can't wait to see how it ends.



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