Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Week in Entertainment

Film: Goodbye, Solo - a very interesting movie by Ramin Bahrani, starring an almost effervescent Souleymane Sy Savane and Red West, wound tight and repressed ... one man rejoices in life no matter what - not because he doesn't understand but because he can't help it, because life is fundamentally about loving and helping; the other man ... to be honest, we never really know. We watch him, William, but we never learn about him. While Solo offers himself openly, William resists. Solo wants to help - just why maybe even he doesn't know - and William wants not to be helped. The movie is shot in Bahrani's not-quite native Winston-Salem (he grew up there) and the small-city ambience is as much a character as the men, or Solo's step-daughter (more so than his wife)... It's a brilliant movie, genuninely so.

TV: Primeval continues to be quite watchable, though the competing forces are a bit confusing. I have the series finale of Pushing Daisies on my DVR but am not quite ready to say goodbye to it...

Read: Finished Death With Interuptions by José Saramago, and it's excellent. Halfway through Fortress of Solitude, which is rather different from the other things by Lethem I've read, but it's well-written and very engaging.



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