Weyrhauser's op art
In the blast zones at Mt St Helens, Weyrhauser has been planting trees - noble firs, to be precise. Take a look at these pictures. Select them to get the full size - that blur is not in the image; it's in your mind. Imagine mile after mile of mass-planted firs, all the exact same age, all with those thin branches leading into each other... It's disorienting, to say the least!

Labels: miscellaneous, myphotos, trip
Sadly, living in Washington, I don't have to imagine it. The most interesting variation on this theme is where they have planted over adjacent areas that were clear-cut years apart. Each one has a sign saying "planted in (fill in the year)." They look exactly the same; they just have different heights.
This is the sort of "forest" that idiots like Rush Limbaugh (I think it was - it might have been one of the other spewing right-wing heads) mean when they talk about how there is more forest in the US today than there was 100 (or fill in your own number) years ago. They aren't forests, they are crops.
It actually looks like a bad Photoshop touch-up job — you know, where one takes a bit of the image and replicates it in order to cover something up.
I crossed my eyes to see the 3D version. It didn't work.
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