Saturday, August 29, 2009

9/11 didn't really change everything

On the special features for The Bourne Identity, Frank Marshall, the producer, announces that
"We all had to take a step back and reconsider everything, and I think everyone in the movie business did."
Tony Gilroy, screenwriter, adds,
"Everyone pretty much accepted that explosions in movies were over, that there would probably never be another film that had an explosion in it."
It's kind of amazing to look back at those days and see how much we thought (many of us, at rate) had been "changed forever".

Marshall started by saying,
"One of the things that you can never anticipate are (sic) world events. And certainly one of the most major world events that occurred ever was the 9/11 tragedy."
Turns out, not so much, really... They themselves are blowing shit up just two years later.

(ps - that was all to explain why they made a new beginning and ending to make the film "relevant" to the "different world" - though they didn't use them. They made the film much worse, if you ask me; good thing no audiences agreed with them.)

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At 8:11 PM, August 29, 2009 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

Oy. The “everything changed after 9/11” canard is probably the single most annoying thing anyone can say to me. (Though, “I’ll pray for your immortal soul,” is right up there too.)

At 10:57 AM, August 30, 2009 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

The "everything changed" line is moronic. The only reason things changed after 9/11 is because we changed them.


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