Happy Birthday, Ogden

Born this day in 1902... Ogden Nash
Everybody knows his funny stuff, but he also wrote more poignant things. These are a few of my favorites - shorter ones, some are very long, like Isabel and Custard the dragon - (and there are a few more here (and lots more here)):
Old Men
People expect old men to die,
They do not really mourn old men.
Old men are different. People look
At them with eyes that wonder when...
People watch with unshocked eyes;
But the old men know when an old man dies.
Kipling's Vermont
The summer like a rajah dies,
And every widowed tree
Kindles for Congregationalist eyes
An alien suttee.
On A Good Dog
O, my little pup ten years ago
was arrogant and spry,
Her backbone was a bended bow
for arrows in her eye.
Her step was proud, her bark was loud,
her nose was in the sky,
But she was ten years younger then,
And so, by God, was I.
Small birds on stilts along the beach
rose up with piping cry.
And as they rose beyond her reach
I thought to see her fly.
If natural law refused her wings,
that law she would defy,
for she could do unheard-of things,
and so, at times, could I.
Ten years ago she split the air
to seize what she could spy;
Tonight she bumps against a chair,
betrayed by milky eye!
She seems to pant, Time up, time up!
My little dog must die,
And lie in dust with Hector's pup;
So, presently, must I.
Nice selection of poetry. On a Good Dog struck me the most. As I type, my son's nine-month old puppy is lying by my feet, gnawing on a piece of rawhide.
I'm so glad I stoped by today for these. I've been a fan of ONs for a long time, but confess to not knowing his more thoughtful, almost Dickensian (Emily) side.
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