I and the Bird
So here we are, we bird bloggers, four years after the inaugural I and the Bird (well, four years and one month…we seem to have forgotten to celebrate on time). Four years is a long time in the real world: in the blogosphere it is an eternity! Like many of the folks who contributed a post to this I and the Bird I wasn’t even blogging four years ago (heck, I had pretty much just started birding!). Nonetheless, this I and the Bird will serve as a portal back in time four years, to 2005, aYou will definitely enjoy it.moreless innocent era, when George W Bush was still in the White House, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated New Orleans, the London subways were bombed, a tsunami struck the Indian Ocean, and the pope died. While all of those stories were and are important what we will be focusing on is the state of the birding (and bird blogging) world back in 2005, a far less depressing and far more relevant topic. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this visit to the world of birding, 2005!
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