Thursday, August 13, 2009

Toys-R-Us transliteration

Over on Language Log, Victor Mair posted on a "transliteration" of the blog name Сухуми (in Cyrillic: СУХУМИ) coming out as Cyxymu (in Latin CYXYMU) (instead of Sukhumi) . He was asking if "transliteration" was the right term for this process. Commenters offered their examples from other languages as well as other Cyrillic-using ones. Here's one I meant to post on myself, but had never gotten around to.

Mohymehtajibhar Nponarahia

That's how the title of a Russian novel translated into English was rendered by the publisher (Knopf) on the copyright page, as "originally published as…".

The book? Монументальная пропаганда, more usually transliterated as Monumental'naya Propaganda.

The Cyrillic Н (N) becoming H is simple, same for the P (R) becoming a P, and the Я (YA or JA) becoming R is commonplace, but the Г (G) also becoming R is neat. I think my favorite touch of it is the Cyrillic Л (L) becoming JI, but the Д (D) losing its curved downstroke (which can be quite thin in some fonts) to become I is also nice.

For comparison:

Mohymehtajibhar nponarahia
Монументальная пропаганда

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