Friday, August 21, 2009

The way to answer

I know you've seen the video of Barney Frank and the LaRouchie at the town hall. Here's a slightly longer clip, featuring her entire question. My favorite part, I think, is that Barney gets the applause.

This is how to handle this sort of lie. Riduicule it and shut it down. Don't engage it: that only leads to debating things like how similar the policies are, or don't you think all lives are worth saving. There's no truth in it, and it shouldn't be given any serious response.

As Hubert Humphrey once said: The right to speak does not entail the right to be taken seriously.

Democrats: take notes.



At 6:44 PM, August 21, 2009 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

That clip is priceless. I wish I had half of Barney Frank's balls.

At 7:02 PM, August 21, 2009 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

If you did, he'd still have more than the rest of Congress...


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