Sunday, August 02, 2009

The Week in Entertainment

Film: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, a good enough entry into the series, dark and more than a bit confusing I would imagine if anyone was just coming into the story. But, to paraphrase Peter Jackson, you can't make part 6 for people who didn't see parts 1-5...

DVD: Coraline, quite entertaining. Knowing, pretty good while watching it, though afterwards all I can think is: how perfectly pointless. It raised more questions than it answered, and the whole list of dates is essentially meaningless. A maguffin to end all maguffins...

Read: Nothing. Slept on the plane (and thus also missed Monsters vs Aliens, which I had intended to watch...) But! I'm back to work Tuesday, so reading will recommence (gotta fill that commute with something besides looking out the window, right?)



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