Sunday, August 09, 2009

The Week in Entertainment

Film: Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg which was a fascinating documentary of somebody I'd never heard of despite being ranked #2 on the Most Important Women in America list (after Eleanor Roosevelt).

DVD: Some more Morse and Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead, quite engaging.

TV: Ahhh... returning home to a 98%-full DVR. Of course, much of it I could delete (all the Primeval, for instance, since I just got the DVDs). And I quite frankly don't know if I'm going to watch Torchwood: Children of Earth because I've heard things about it that make me feel that I'm going to be sad... Oh, who am I kidding? I'll watch it pretty soon... maybe not all that soon, though. But then - Better Off Ted - Medieval Fight Club! Yay! And I caught up on Leverage, still fun. I checked out Warehouse 13 - the pilot was cheesy, but it picked up in later episodes. I'll watch it. And Push, which was an interesting caper... no, too violent for a "caper" flick, but like that ... with psychics, and Dakota Fanning and Chris Evans. I enjoyed it; wheels within wheels.

Read: Began The Wish Maker by Ali Sethi. Quite good so far - nice use of language, and a fascinating story. The Eye in the Forest, a good entry in PB Kerr's Children of the Lamp series.



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