Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Week in Entertainment

DVD: The Bourne Trilogy, which is quite the suspenseful ride. The camera work ratchets the experience up several levels, and Matt Damon makes Bourne someone you genuinely care about. The special features about how they made these movies (especially for filming the chases) are fascinating.

TV: Psych - Shawn meets the Exorcist, and hilarity ensues. This program consistently delivers. Warehouse 13 - not bad, the program hasn't really reached beyond the cliches yet. But it has promise. Leverage - the team against a better team - or are they? Again, a cliche, but the delivery saves it. At the urging of PZ I watched SyFy's Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus, which is everything you'd expect from a movie with that name from that channel - especially one that starts out with an admiral broadcasting a radio message saying "Remember, lieutenant, this mission is classified. Should there be any trouble, the government will deny its existence." Oy. But I will say that the scene where the shark leapt out of the water to eat a 747 on the wing was high-lariously bad (and almost as senseless as the scene where it bit the Golden Gate Bridge. I mean: why?). But on a brighter note, Lewis series 2 is on Masterpiece Mystery! I do love Kevin Whately's portrayal, and the writing is consistently excellent. I've seen these (on dvd) but that doesn't stop me watching them again.

Read: My Life in France by Julia Child. France, and Germany, and Norway, and the US... conversational and witty, the book's a fast, pleasant read. Finished Hazards, which is amusing in most places and hilarious in the rest.



At 9:04 PM, September 01, 2009 Anonymous Mary B had this to say...

We just started watching Inspector Lewis and it's as entertaining as Morse. The pairing with Hathaway is just as interesting as cranky old Morse and down-to-earth Lewis. The boy playing the Asperger's type was particularly good.


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