Sunday, August 30, 2009

What a nice curtain

I hate pan-and-scan.

(see the comments)

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At 9:21 PM, August 30, 2009 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

Je ne comprends pas. Was there meant to be a link?

At 9:34 PM, August 30, 2009 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

No. But I suppose it is a bit on the obscure side.

I was flipping channels and found The Darjeeling Limited - a lovely shot of a calico curtain with Owen Wilson's nose on one side and Jason Schwartzman's on the other. Editor couldn't actually be bothered to pan.

It's almost the iconic widescreen-movie-butchered image for me: the lamp on the table with bits of Spencer Tracy and Kate Hepburn on either side ...

At 2:15 PM, August 31, 2009 Blogger incunabular had this to say...

For me the line is, "This watch!"

I once viewed Pulp Fiction in pan-and-scan and it was terrible. It was bad enough when you couldn't see Travolta and Jackson standing side by side in the elevator on their way up to the apartment. But it was much worse when Christopher Walken is telling the story of the watch he gives to the boy Bruce Willis. He keeps saying, "this watch" while holding it up (out of view).

At 9:02 PM, September 01, 2009 Anonymous Mary B had this to say...

So do I. I hate it with a passion. And so often that's the version you get on cable. It's like they are conspiring with Netflix to make you rent the DVD just to get letterbox format.


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