Wednesday, August 05, 2009


On the first episode of this season's Leverage, "There are wolfs in the world," Zoë says. Nate looks at her quizzically. "That's what Dad says," she elaborates. "'Be careful, Zoë: there are wolfs in the world'."

I listened to it three times. The actress definitely said "wolfs" instead of "wolves".

I don't believe I've ever heard that before. "Wolf" is not common any more - the grey one has gone from being a taboo word to a storybook, not quite real, creature. Is it on its way to regularization from disuse?

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At 9:07 AM, August 06, 2009 Anonymous Mark P had this to say...

I haven't heard "wolfs" either. In a quick search I didn't really find any use of "wolfs" and none of the online dictionaries I checked even showed it as an alternate spelling of the plural. Maybe I missed something somewhere.

At 9:12 AM, August 06, 2009 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

This was a spoken thing, of course. I don't know how the line was written, or how the actress would (try to) spell it.


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