Barten Dress?
So, Ryan at Dinosaur Comics recommended something called left-handed toons (by right-handed people) and I've been working my way through their archives. I got to one (linked above) called "Smooth Move" which has in its first panel a guy clutching his lapels, eyes bugging out and a goofy grin on his face, thinking, "Oh man. That bartendress is so hot! Okay... play it cool."
I said to myself "Barten dress? What the heck is a barten dress?"
And of course it's a woman tending bar. Which I truly didn't figure out till I read the next panel.
Me, that is.
Labels: humor, language, links, miscellaneous
I think a barten dress is what you wear to barten down the hatches.
A termite goes into a pub and asks one of the punters, "Is the bar tender here?"
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