Nook: with ADS!! ... no thanks
I bought the Kindle and I like it a lot. Now B&N has a reader, the nook, and over at TPM, Josh loves the color:
Just on a very casual glance some features that make Nook sound much better than Kindle are 1) color, speaks for itself(he also loves the touch-screen, which I on principle DO NOT WANT on something I am trying to read, but ymmv).
However, look at this (click image to enlarge):
Now, I could be mistaking an advertising mockup for the real thing, but ... I don't want ads on the bottom of the page I'm reading in a book. Color or not.
Labels: entertainment, links, miscellaneous, tech
They kind of look like book covers to me. It's probably where the user scrolls through his/her collection of books with their finger, similar to the "album view" on the iPod touch.
Confirmed. You can see the Nook's menu operation in this video.
I hope the link works this time.;mlt_related
Perhaps so. Perhaps it's
But even if it's my library, I don't need that much of my screen taken up with color pictures of OTHER books. When I'm reading, all I need on the page is the text. Kindle's listing of titles is ample, and doesn't waste my screen.
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