Sunday, November 29, 2009

East Tennessee November Birds

I'm visiting my father for Thanksgiving. He lives in East Tennessee, and his backyard abuts the western slope of Black Oak Ridge, down into forest. Lots of birds come through his yard and the edge of the trees. Here's some of the ones I've seen this week; not included are crows, buzzards, and a number of black-capped chickadees that simply will not hold still... There are a couple whose IDs I'm not 100% on, but most I am.

jays These fluffed-up jays were actually across the street...

jay in dogwood

mockingbird ... as was this mockingbird.

brown creeper

When I took this shot of a brown creeper, I thought it was a titmouse!

tufted titmouse

tufted titmouse
And here's why - they were hanging out together.

female yellow-bellied sapsucker A female yellow-bellied sapsucker

female yellow-bellied sapsuckerMy neice was much amused. "Can you imagine the bird convention? 'Hey, what's your name?' 'I'm a yellow-bellied sapsucker.' 'Oh... Hey, thrush, wren - let's find someone else to talk to...'"

white-throated sparrow
A winter visitor: a white-throated sparrow

mourning dove

A mourning dove.


A robin on the grass ...

... and then on the bird bath.

hermit thrush

A hermit thrush on ridiculously spindly legs...

hermit thrush And another one the next day...

hermit thrush

The robin pushed him into the bush.

eastern phoebe An eastern phoebe...

eastern phoebe ... and a few moments later, amongst the tulip poplar fruit.

cedar waxwing The silhouette of a cedar waxing.

carolina wren And a Carolina wren

cardinal in tulip poplar A pair of cardinals eating the poplar seeds...

cardinal in tulip poplar

female cardinal in tulip poplar

eastern phoebe in tulip poplar

red-tailed hawk Way down in the woods, a pale hawk settled into a tree. I'm pretty sure he's a red-tailed hawk, but I could be wrong.

red-tailed hawk He looks like Lucky in The 101 Dalmatians

female pileated woodpecker And here's star of the show - the logcock! This is the female of a pair of pileated woodpeckers that live on the ridge.

female pileated woodpecker

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At 11:09 PM, November 29, 2009 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

Hello. And Bye.

At 1:15 PM, December 03, 2009 Blogger jason had this to say...

Delightful! Lots of color and a great cast of characters. Looks like an excellent place to see some spectacular birds.

At 3:31 PM, December 03, 2009 Anonymous Gunnar Engblom had this to say...

The Plieated WP is a great pecker!

At 3:29 AM, December 06, 2009 Blogger Jan Axel & Gloriela had this to say...

Nice backyard birding!


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