Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's funny because it doesn't work

As is often true with these Stick cartoon, this one doesn't work for me, either. However, I expect it does work for lots of people. Problem is, for me Lent and lint sound the same (like pen and pin). I can make an effort and say /lɛnt/ or /pɛn/, but normally it's just /lɪnt, pɪn/ for both.

Though I have to say, her "lint" is a lot more plausible than Teena's "Day of Atonal".

yom kippur beats lint

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At 12:05 PM, November 25, 2009 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

It's a regional thing. For me, there's no effort involved: "lent" and "lint" sound quite different, as do "meant" and "mint", and "pen" and "pin".

When I was a school-kid in Florida, I had to get used to being called a name that sounded like "Mary" with a B replacing the M. In the northeast, "Barry" and "berry" sound very different, as do "Mary", "merry", and "marry". In most of the rest of the U.S., they do not sound different: they're all pronounced close to the way I pronounce "Mary".

And many of the kids in Florida would ask to borrow "an ink-pen", to distinguish their request from one for, say, "a safety pin". I often laughed at that pronunciation, but I was definitely in the minority there.

Not so in New York.

At 2:04 PM, November 25, 2009 Blogger Wishydig had this to say...

yeah i'm not there with "day of atonal" as a plausible mistake, and i'm not there with that translating to a sing-along. other than by a real stretch of 'singing related' ideas. it's a clumsy joke.

At 2:42 PM, November 25, 2009 Anonymous Q. Pheevr had this to say...

There's also the fact that Yom Kippur was two months ago.

At 4:08 PM, November 25, 2009 Anonymous mike had this to say...

Another possibility, of course, is that it just isn't that well-written or that funny. Given the circumstances under which comics are produced -- ie, relentless time pressure -- I'm sure that sometimes an author will go with an idea even knowing that it's not all that great.

At 10:27 AM, November 30, 2009 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Hmm... they seem to be running late. Today's begins "Today is the autmnal equinox!"


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