Sunday, January 31, 2010

I and the Bird #117

Hmmm. Something's happening with I and the Bird entries. Either they're being rejected for being boring (I could understand that, lately, though I thought the juncos were nice), or they're not getting through.

But that should not by any means stop you from reading this edition, hosted over at the Marvelous in Nature, especially for her great drawing. Lots of good posts there - check it out!

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At 10:59 AM, February 04, 2010 Blogger Seabrooke had this to say...

Hey there, just discovered your comment here. Thanks for the compliment! I never got your junco post. I do make a point of including everything that's sent to me, so I would've put yours in if I'd got it. I wonder what happened to it?

At 4:59 PM, February 04, 2010 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

You're welcome - I loved the drawing. The junco post actually is in the current IATB, so I have no idea. I probably got it in late, and Mike sent it on to Duncan so you never saw it.


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