Friday, January 22, 2010

Lack of Skill

I'm watching Hope for Haiti Now and they had the number on the screen: 1-877-99-HAITI

I can't call that number - at least not easily. My Blackberry doesn't have a standard phone keypad, and I never memorized it. I would have to draw a phone-keypad and stick numbers on it, and hope I remembered which ones were left out (i and o, right?) Or else find my cordless phone in the other room... at least I have one! I know people who don't. (Hmmm... maybe those who don't are so used to texting they have the keypad memorized.)

I went to the website and they had the same number. I found a contact number for questions, and was going to call it, but then I see someone else thought of it: they put the numbers up on the TV under the word (994-2484).

I had noticed before (with the Post Office) that I couldn't remember what number went with what letter. Then I was on the bus, and there was no way I could remember.

I never liked those word-numbers, but I used to be able to dial them by staring at the phone... What an odd gap in my knowledge!



At 9:39 PM, January 22, 2010 Blogger incunabular had this to say...

I know this may sound weird, but this is one of the features people mentioned when describing why they liked the iPhone over the BlackBerry.

At 6:15 AM, January 23, 2010 Anonymous Q. Pheevr had this to say...

and hope I remembered which ones were left out (i and o, right?)

If it were, then no one would be able to call 1-877-99-HAITI.

At 6:21 AM, January 23, 2010 Anonymous Q. Pheevr had this to say...

(Traditionally, it's Q and Z, but the fairly new (landline) telephone sitting beside me has Q listed on the 7 key (together with PRS) and Z on the 9 (together with WXY).)

At 7:24 AM, January 23, 2010 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

@Q.Pheevr: Haha. Of course they couldn't. And why didn't that occur to me? (Sheesh) Also, when I found my cordless phone, it was set up like the one you have. I think what I was imperfectly remembering is that the 1 and the 0 have no letters on them.

@incunabular: I suppose if you were used to texting that way, it would be a factor. Me, I prefer (obviously, I guess) to type on a keyboard. My father did say he wasn't sure he could type on the Blackberry's keyboard, the keys are so small. One time being 5' comes in handy!


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