Thursday, January 28, 2010


When it comes to reaching your big milestones - and all your little milepebbles - Ameriprise Financial can help.
This is cute, but it's kind of dumb, too. A milestone is a stone used as a mile-marker. A milepebble would be the same thing, just small. Surely "yardstone" would have made more sense.

Or so ran my first impression.

But then I started thinking that maybe the big-little contrast is more easily processed.

And now I'm not sure. But "milepebble" annoys me for no reason I can pin down.



At 11:19 PM, January 28, 2010 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

I kind of like it. Yes, it's cute... and it strikes me as cute in a good way. These sort of things don't have to make literal sense, or really be the best metaphor. It's a clever play on words.

It reminds me of an old defense project from the Reagan days, called smart rocks. The concept was later upgraded and called brilliant pebbles, meant to be smarter and smaller.


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