Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Precisely. On both counts.

Over at Slacktivist, in the comment thread for the latest Left Behind Monday, someone asks,
As for today's Open Question for the Floor, as our host so nicely puts it, "The members of the Tribulation Force don't take decisive action, they do not sacrifice themselves for others, they are not brave, determined, loyal, honest, valiant or clever." So, you guessed it, what are your favorite book/tv/film examples of character(s) taking decisive action, sacrificing themselves for others, being brave, determined, loyal, honest, valiant or clever?
The whole thread is full of lovely examples, many of which I was not familiar with and had to go looking for. But down towards what is currently the end there's this:
Also, I can't think of any favorite examples of my own, which is odd and slightly disconcerting. Except, I've seen people mention River Tam, but where is the love for Simon? A single heroic gesture is one thing, but his heroism was planned, it wasn't a split-second passionate decision with his back against the wall.
And a few comments later comes this perfect answer:
Quoting every moment when Simon makes a grand sacrifice for love and principle would be the same as printing a full script of his dialogue. But we're afraid not to mention River, because she can kill us with her brain.
(And that's from Firefly, in case you don't recognize the names. I too have an unreasonable love for Simon.)

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