Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Week in Entertainment

DVD: The first three episodes of UFO, the 1970 live-action Gerry Anderson show. I'd forgotten the wacky uniforms - not just those silver dominatrix-looking things the girls on the moon wear (along with the purple wigs - when Lt Ellis goes to earth she doesn't wear it! It's part of the uniform!), but also the mesh see-throughs everyone on the sub wears. rrowr. It actually holds up pretty well, though they didn't anticipate some things - like guided missiles, or smoking bans - in one ep, Straker and Alec stand around Straker's office smoking, and then Alec goes and gets a whiskey out of the dispenser of various boozes on the desk!

TV: Psych! Yay! It's back, and with an episode chock full of character stuff. Sweet. (But Santa Barbara airport - I know it's small, I've been there, but still... do they really let you through security without a boarding pass? Or could they just not resist the iconic shot of Abby walking to the plane, instead of joining the security line? It wouldn't have the same visual impact, that's for sure. Scrubs reboot - nice, actually. I think it might be finding its feet, and while it's not nearly as funny as the early years of the original, it's becoming amusing. Better Off Ted: I will not get the image of a flying Uzi-toting fawn out of mind in a hurry. Linda: "I don't have a debilitating personality disorder that makes me unable to care about people." Veronica: "First, it's not debilitating." Numb3rs: another distractingly edited episode, but intriguing. And Larry came out of the desert at the end! Whee! Leverage: I liked it - Maggie and Nathan are interesting together. And I love it when Eliot gets to show off his brain.

Read: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, a brilliant novel narrated by an autistic kid who's investigating the death of his neighbor's dog. The Dreaming Place, a lovely old Charles de Lint YA that I managed to miss when it came out. Started Anne Tyler's latest - Noah's Compass and am enjoying it very much.



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