Friday, February 19, 2010

Behind the walls

I'm reading a book called The Fallen. It's not bad, but the author does have some interesting language choices - things I wouldn't say. One that I really noticed was his protagonist (it's a YA, so he's 18) reflecting that his high school has become a haven from the craziness of his real life.
Once behind its walls
things make sense.

"Behind" is so not the preposition I would use. "Inside" or even "within", but you're not "behind" the walls of a building unless you're outside of it...



At 12:59 PM, February 19, 2010 Blogger Mark had this to say...

Oh, I don't know. Using "behind" evokes a sense of hiding, seeking shelter.

At 2:51 PM, February 19, 2010 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

That's been pointed out to me, and I agree - it does. Behind castle walls, etc.

Still sounds a bit odd, and I don't think I'd say it.

(then again, I never said it was *wrong* ;-) so I'm covered!)


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