Thursday, February 11, 2010

Liberal Media

A small observation by Glenn Greenwald:
The power of myth and propaganda is well-documented. Still, even with that in mind, how could any conservative look at the messages sent from the Post Op-Ed page just in the last few days alone -- Palin is awesome!; Europe needs a tea party movement! Confront Iran! Liberals are patronizing losers! -- and still go on chattering about The Liberal Media, of which, in their minds (and in the mind of that paper's "media critic"), the Post is a charter member? And it's far from unusual for the Post to deliver an almost uniformly right-wing (particularly neoconservative) message; in fact, it happens quite frequently. "Liberal media" has basically come to mean: "anyone who doesn't sound like Rush Limbaugh," but even using that definition, the Post Op-Ed page comes very close and often, as today, meets it. That's not news, but the persistence of the Liberal Media myth -- not just among the Right but among media figures themselves -- is quite remarkable.

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