Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Week in Entertainment

DVD: Some more of UFO - my goodness. They're on the moon and they don't have alarms?? Something can put a hole in a window and they don't have alarms??? Also, Foster's dragging himself along the surface of the moon - heck, he ought to be bouncing. Even with a bad leg. Goodness ... Straker just said "Racial prejudice burned itself out five years ago!" Wow... The Andersons were optimists, weren't they? And I love the episode where he makes free-lance reporting sound so ... dirty: "Who do you work for?" "Myself." "And sell whatever you get to the highest bidder, eh?" he sneers. Also some BBC Sherlock Holmes with Peter Cushing in the title role, and - omg - Nick Tate and Gary Raymond, two of my ancient tv crushes, in starring roles (James McCarthy in "The Boscombe Valley Mystery" and Sir Henry in "The Hound of the Baskervilles". Wow.) Cushing's not bad at all, if way too short.

TV: Psych, a good episode, with the best Shawn "I've heard it both ways" ever - in response to Gus's "You didn't find it - I found it!" Leverage - great job taking down the fake psychic. And some nice character moments from everyone in response to Parker's distress, particularly Elliott. Nice Valentine's shows on Modern Family and The Middle. I can't quite believe we're already at the end of the season for Leverage - it seems like only a few weeks. Sheesh. But this season ender looks good - I'm not sure what they're going to do to get out of this mess. And The Mentalist was pretty good; I didn't think that Rigsby would help Cho as much as they were making out, plus Jane's "You're out of control" line was a give-away, but I quite enjoyed it the look at what seethes beneath Cho's icy facade.

Read: Finished The City & The City, which ended up being quite complex and engrossing. I recommend it if you have the patience to tease out the logic of a weird urban science-fiction plot. Percy Jackson and the Olympians - a rather well-written, exciting YA series with a distinctive and appealing narrative voice (I am appalled to hear that Ares and Clarisse have been cut from the movie; for one thing, that's going to make the last book very different!). A Kiss Before the Apocalypse was very good, but I'm not enjoying the sequel quite as much; maybe I'm cold, but Remy's grief over Madeline is becoming whiny and obnoxious. Still, I'm only five chapters into it.



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