Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Week in Entertainment

DVD: A couple more UFO episodes. Also of Leverage, which has great commentary, by the way.

TV: Little Giants - predictable but amusing anyway. Psych - stakes a bit higher, but Shawn and Gus rise to the occasion. Leverage - I can't believe their season is already over! But Sophie's back - yay! - and Tara's gone, and Elliot had some great moments. I especially like him counting down the guys with guns till he reached zero. Past Life - I did not care for it. I don't like the concept, and I wasn't fond of the regulars. I did think it was funny that not a single person so much as raised an eyebrow over the diagnosis of reincarnation.

Read: Dancing on the Head of a Pin. Well, it improved a bit, but I doubt I'll read the obviously-upcoming sequel. Don't care. Also a couple of YAs: The Fallen - by the same author (Sniegoski), which is not bad, but not great. I may try the next one, but it will have to overcome this origin story's defects, plus definitely improve the theology, or I won't read any more. Two by Rebecca Stead - When You Reach Me and First Light. The former was excellent - well, it did win the Newbery! - and the latter (her first) pretty good. She seems to be improving - can't wait for her next one. Started The Wordy Shipmates, Sarah Vowell's brilliant study of the Puritans who founded Boston. I'm only half-way through, but I am more than willing to say "brilliant" based on her previous books and the first half of this one...



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