Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Of course they did

Catholic Charities - who tried to blackmail the city of Washington by threatening to stop administering charities if the District recognized gay marriage - has now gone even further. Rather than give any benefits to a gay employee's family, they have elected to

not offer benefits to spouses of new employees or to spouses of current employees who are not already enrolled in the plan.
They employ 850 people. Fewer than 100 use the spousal benefit option, and none of them were given advance notice of the new policy, nor will they be able to add a spouse (because the most recent open enrollment period ended in November).

Their president says (my emphasis):

"We looked at all the options and implications. This allows us to continue providing services, comply with the city's new requirements and remain faithful to the church's teaching."

The new law gave the church two options. One (what the Archdiocese of San Francisco chose "years ago") "expand the definition of domestic partner, as the Archdiocese in San Francisco did years ago, to include a parent, sibling or someone else in the household." The other was "eliminate benefits for all spouses." That's the one they chose.

And here's the money quote, from Robert Tuttle, a George Washington University professor who studies the relationship between church and state:

"For decades, the church has been at the forefront of worker benefits, so this move cuts against their understanding of social justice and health benefits to all possible. But obviously, you can see they felt there was a real conflict between those values. They feel they weren't left with much of a choice."
Between "those values"? "Those" being "worker benefits [and] social justice"? Of course not. "Those" being "social justice" and "homophobia".

So - of course - they picked the one that hurts people who don't deserve it, rather than the one that helps people who don't deserve it.

At what point did that become a core Christian principle?

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At 6:51 PM, March 02, 2010 Blogger Mark had this to say...

Maybe they forgot this:

'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'

And what happens when they forget this part? Well ...

'Then they will go away to eternal punishment'

These people join my own person list of people who should be glad there is no hell.


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