Here are a few of the birds I saw in Oregon ...
First up, a male Bufflehead from Astoria

Here's an American Wigeon in Astoria; there were a few there along with the Bufflehead and Scaup, but they kept to themselves.

Here is a male Bufflehead and a female Greater Scaup from a mixed flock in Astoria

Here's a pair (or at least a male and female) Greater Scaup

Here's a Thayer's Gull in flight over Siletz Bay in Lincoln City (I took this out the window of our hotel - the Looking Glass Inn, which had a
great location and view)

Here's a raft of Greater Scaup on the Columbia River near Cathlamet, Washington

Here are eight Bufflehead and one Scaup from Astoria

These Wood Ducks were on a small pond off Devil's Lake in Lincoln City; it was behind a restaurant called the Wildflower Café on 101.

Pretty much everything we saw was gulls or crows, but there were a lot of nice ducks as well (as you can see), quite a few eagles, and the occasional finch or blackbird.
More in this album.
Labels: birds, links, myphotos, trip
Nice shots!
Ah, what a treat. Thank you for posting these.
Love your buffleheads. I first saw buffleheads in Portland, OR and they have remained among my favorites. Oregon is such a beautiful state.
Love the Wood Duck. This duck was illustrated in my European birdbook due to the populaiton in Iceland. My now grown up daughter had it as her favorite bird in the book for her entire childhood.
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