Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Why did he send it on, then?

Sigh. Another politician sends email full of racism and porn while running on "values" - in this case, as "the only Republican in the race who agrees 100 percent with conservative values." (Please, no easy jokes about how likely that is to be true, etc.)

Now, we all know somebody who does this - someone who's apparently constitutionally incapable of not hitting "forward" and filling in his whole contacts list on every idiotic email he gets. When you call them on it, they often respond with a less politician-like version of this:
Carl Paladino has forwarded close friends hundreds of email messages he received. Many of these emails he received were off color, some were politically incorrect, few represented his own opinion, and almost none of them were worth remembering.
In other words, I didn't think it was funny either and anyway it's no big deal.

The thing is: if it doesn't represent your opinion and you don't think it's funny... why are you sending it to me? Do you think it represents my opinion, or that I'll think it's funny? Your friend who sent them to you - have you bothered to tell him they're not what you like? And for crying out loud, how would he know you'd just hit delete as soon as you saw the size of the message? That's what most of us do when our uncle with the horrible taste in jokes sends us another email...

I just don't buy the "I don't think it's funny either" defense.

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At 11:05 AM, April 13, 2010 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

I don't get the whole forwarding-to-everyone thing. I only ever forward things that I like (find interesting or funny), and then only to a select few, specifically chosen as ones who I think would like it too.

I never forward something to person X unless I specifically think that person X would like it. I wish everyone followed that rule.

On the other hand, if my mother did that, I would never receive anything from my mother. Sigh.


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