Monday, May 17, 2010

8 hours earlier

I am very tired of television shows opening with a dramatic shot of an explosion or a guy in a pool of blood or gunshots going off and then - a peaceful scene with a caption, "8 hours earlier" or "two weeks earlier" or whatever.

It's a cheap tactic to catch my interest. Make me care linearly, guys. If I don't care about the people by the time the explosion comes, knowing it's coming won't buy it.

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At 9:27 PM, May 17, 2010 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

Agreed. An episode of "V" did that a couple of weeks ago. At the beginning of the episode, they told you that the plan the main characters had wasn't going to work out the way they wanted it to. Then they backed up and showed you how they got there. I can't imagine how it improved the story to let me know in advance that their plan would fail.

Sometimes, non-linear storytelling makes sense. But it has to be done intelligently, and for a reason, not arbitrarily, because it's a fad.


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