Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Week in Entertainment

Two weeks, actually ... crazy, crazy spring at work this year!

TV: The finales of several shows (Modern Family, The Mentalist, House, The Middle) which were pretty good to very good. I'm not at all sure I understand (or really believe) Cuddy's about face, but we'll see. Jane is well shut of that woman: even if (by virtue of this being television) is a genuine psychic, she's also a nut with no sense of personal boundaries, and obnoxious. Since I don't think she's genuinely psychic, she's a jerk. Were I Jane, that whole bit with the waiter would have been the signal to fake a phone call and never, ever talk to her again. And now ... the wait for the summer series - bring on Psych and Leverage! Also, Doctor Who, which isn't on the same cycle. I am glad to see the Doctor learned something from the Rose and Mickey debacle (though both of them came out of happy enough), and it's always nice with several Companions.

Read: A slew of Philo Vance novels (in an omnibus), mindless reading with a few interesting puzzles surrounded by out-dated (and often fascinating) details, an obnoxious protagonist, and a somewhat overblown style. Kathapurna, a brilliant novel by Raja Rao about India in the late 1930s and the impact of Gandhi on the rural people.



At 10:55 PM, May 26, 2010 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

We're a little behind you on some shows, and more or less up to date on others.

At the time of writing, I believe the most recently broadcast episode of House was "Private Lives" (ep 14 of 21), and that of The Mentalist was "Blood Money" (ep 19 of 23). With Doctor Who, I think we're both seeing the same episodes at the same time (plus or minus a few days). I don't watch any of the other shows you mentioned.

The finale of Lost and the finale of Stargate Atlantis (broadcast in America in 2009) were shown last night (26 May) at exactly the same time on two different channels that are owned by the same network!


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