Happy Birthday, Alexander Sergeevich!

Vladimir Nabokov once wrote, "Russians know the conceptions of 'homeland' and 'Pushkin' are inseparable. ... To be Russian means to love Pushkin." And 19th century poet Apollon Grigoryev wrote, simply, "Пушкин - это наше все (Pushkin is our everything)".
I've given you Winter Evening and Winter Morning before; this year, a short one, suitable for memorizing.
В чужбине свято наблюдаю
Родной обычай старины:
На волю птичку выпускаю
При светлом празднике весны.
Я стал доступен утешенью;
За что на бога меня роптать
Когда хоть одному творенью
Я мог свободу даровать!
Little Bird
In a foreign land I follow
A custom ancient in my own:
To freedom I return a swallow
In this bright rite of spring.
So I achieve some consolation;
Why should I complain of God
If to but one of his creation
I may sweet liberty bestow!
Labels: birthdays, poetry, Russian, translation
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